39 Results From "terminal boots"

11 things a military buddy would do that a civilian BFF probably won’t
Military News

11 things a military buddy would do that a civilian BFF probably won’t

marines on a navy ship

Here’s a hilarious look at what life is like for Marines on a Navy ship

This hilarious video reveals why Marines prefer Camp Pendleton to 29 Palms

This hilarious video reveals why Marines prefer Camp Pendleton to 29 Palms

LOS ANGELES - MARCH 23: Voice over artist Don La Fontaine poses for a portrait on March 23, 2005 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Dan Tuffs/Getty Images)

Don LaFontaine, aka ‘Movie Trailer Guy,’ was an Army veteran

aviation military memes

Best memes of the week that will make you rethink reenlistment

Here’s the way-funnier version of what the Marine PFT is really like

Here’s the way-funnier version of what the Marine PFT is really like

sonar meme

25 Best military memes of the week

military starter pack

Best military memes of the week that could improve your evaluations

marine terms

23 terms only Marines will understand

reynolds film editor

5 great film editors who also served in the military

The USDA’s ‘Beagle Brigade’ is America’s first line of defense against agricultural warfare

The USDA’s ‘Beagle Brigade’ is America’s first line of defense against agricultural warfare

This is why the rank of General of the Armies was only given twice in US history

This is why the rank of General of the Armies was only given twice in US history

10 indicators the US Marine Corps is a cult
Military News

10 indicators the US Marine Corps is a cult

From Marine One crew chief to ‘Criminal Minds,’ this military consultant brings his best to the set

From Marine One crew chief to ‘Criminal Minds,’ this military consultant brings his best to the set

liberty call

5 ways officers know there will be an incident during liberty call

The hater’s guide to the US Marine Corps

The hater’s guide to the US Marine Corps

tattoo gun
Military Life

7 things to do to before you get that new tattoo

17 things you didn’t know about the US Air Force

17 things you didn’t know about the US Air Force

5 reasons veterans love the “Terminal Lance” perspective

5 reasons veterans love the “Terminal Lance” perspective

5 reasons your troops are more important than promotion

5 reasons your troops are more important than promotion