6 reasons why comm guys hate military movies

Comm guys and war movies don't seem to agree all that well. Here are six pretty glaring examples.
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comm guys war movies


There’s a pretty good reason why comm guys — Signalmen — don’t like military movies. See if you can spot it.

Here are 6 reasons why comm guys hate military movies

1. Saving Private Ryan

saving private ryan movie
Dreamworks Pictures

2. We Were Soldiers

we were soldiers movie
Icon Entertainment International

3. Hacksaw Ridge

hacksaw ridge movie
Summit Entertainment

4. Enemy At The Gates

enemy at the gates military movies
Paramount Pictures

5. Forrest Gump

forrest gump military movies
Paramount Pictures

6. Even Tropic Thunder…

tropic thunder military movies
Dreamworks Pictures

Dammit. Why do movies hate comm guys so much?

Feature image: Summit Entertainment