How to reclaim your entrepreneurial spirit and dream big

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Photo courtesy Warrior Rising


Have you ever heard the words, “Don’t be afraid”? 

Maybe someone said it when you were a kid afraid of the dark, or as an adult facing something new. For many veterans, this fear changes. It’s the fear of failing in front of others. But here’s the truth: You don’t need to have everything perfect to succeed.

If you wait until everything is just right, you’ll miss your chance. Perfectionism stops progress. The fear of failing, or what others might think, holds us back. In the military, failure could be life-threatening. But now, in the business world, we carry the same fear of failing. It’s not lack of courage stopping us. It’s social pressure. We worry about what others think.

Did you know 50% of people give up on their dreams because they’re afraid of what others will say?

For veterans, this is even harder. Many choose “safe” jobs after leaving the military, but these jobs don’t always bring solace. We pick safety because we fear the unknown. We felt fine in unknown combat zones, but now, the unknown world of business brings about fear–rooted in what others think.

What if you could break free?

What if you could use your passion, military skills—discipline, resilience, leadership—to build your own business?

How Do You Get Started?

  1. Recognize Your Fear
    You may feel pressure to follow the “normal” path. But as a business owner, you set the rules. Ask yourself: Whose opinion is stopping you from following your dream?
  1. Know Who You Are
    The military is a part of your story, but it’s not your whole story. You’re more than just a veteran. You’re a leader, a parent, a spouse, and a future business owner. You have skills that can help you succeed.
  1. Start Small, Dream Big
    Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Every business owner learns from mistakes.
    Action item: Pick one goal this week. Maybe it’s launching your product or asking a mentor for advice. Take that first step!
  1. Find Your Community
    In the military, you had a team. After service, it can feel lonely. Don’t do this alone. Find a group that supports veterans in business, like Warrior Rising. Warrior Rising is focused on the individual vetrepreneur. Warrior Rising starts by helping veterans and their immediate family members identify their needs at a given stage in their business development. This means that you could have an idea on the back of a napkin, a desire to start a franchise or buy an existing business, or you already have a business and you are simply stuck. No matter what stage in the business lifecycle you are in, Warrior Rising is here to help you help yourself. Warrior Rising provides education, training, coaching, mentorship, potential access to clients and investors as well as funding opportunities. Above all, Warrior Rising provides you the opportunity to find your purpose again post-military service. And, they do this at absolutely no cost to the participant. In other words, everything they provide veterans and immediate family members is free.

It’s Time to Act

Photo courtesy Warrior Rising

Look, you need resources, networks, and capital to thrive as an entrepreneur. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking a bet on yourself. Stop waiting for the perfect time. You’ve let fear hold you back long enough. Now is the time to take control and build something great. Are you ready to stop being afraid?

The best opportunities are just beyond your fears.