15 terrible military stock photos we can point and laugh at

If there's one thing that ruins anything targeted toward the military, it's messing up the uniform. It may seem like a small detail to people who were never in the military, but that's kinda the whole f*cking point – details. Everything starts …
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Because we wear helmets and body armor 24/7.


If there’s one thing that ruins anything targeted toward the military, it’s messing up the uniform. It may seem like a small detail to people who were never in the military, but that’s kinda the whole f*cking point – details. Everything starts with paying attention to details. This is how veterans know who served and who’s out there just getting a half-price dinner at Chili’s. So look, if you’re targeting the military-veteran community for anything, be it a new TV show or movie, a 3M lawsuit, or a reverse mortgage or whatever, we know immediately how much effort you’re putting into caring about actual veterans. Some of these military stock photos are so bad, they popped my collar.

Nothing says “AMERICA” like a death grip on the flag.


You can tell he’s really in the Army because he wears two Army tapes instead of his name. Promote ahead of peers.

Do not leave unsupervised.

bad terrible military stock photos

Stop laughing you insensitive bastards.

That’s my reaction too.

terrible military stock photos reaction

That hat tho.

Call the cops.


Is that his family in the background or just some family? As for this poorly positioned hat, that is not what is meant by “cover.”

No hat, no salute zone, bruh.


Most bedrooms are.

You had two chances.

bad cammies

They had two different opportunities to use camo and they couldn’t come up with even one the U.S. actually uses.

Made you look.


… At my shirtless chest.

This is real.

gmat terrible military stock photos

Lieutenant Congdon is clearly a Hulkamaniac.

Nothing say ARMY like a boonie hat.

bad stock photo

Especially when ARMY is emblazoned across the front of it.

Maybe not use a 12-year-old model.

terrible military stock photos pistol

Is he 12 or 60? I can’t tell. Nice boots.

Time for PT?

terrible stock photos

Clearly, the answer is no.

I never took off my uniform, either.

acu family

“Just hanging out in my ACUs in my living room with my family, as all military members do.”

Stealing valor for a lifetime.

family terrible military stock photos

Why do stolen valor veterans always want to add an extra American flag patch?

Just use any medals, no one will notice. 

medals terrible military stock photos

That 50-year-old is wearing a 20-year-old winter uniform and i’m pretty sure Boris on the end there is sporting American, Soviet, and Russian medals.

Mommy’s a liar, Billy. 

terrible military stock photos

Where would you even get BDUs with an arm sleeve pocket?? Mommy’s been lying for a long ass time.

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Blake Stilwell

Senior Contributor

Blake Stilwell is a traveler and writer with degrees in design, television & film, journalism, public relations, international relations, and business administration. He is a former combat photographer with experience in politics, entertainment, development, nonprofit, military, and government. His career includes work in Business Insider, Fox News, ABC News, NBC, HBO, and the White House.