Hallo-memes! Wait … that’s not right. Meh, whatever.
1. Remember, terrorists “trick or treat” too (via Military Memes).
2. Pretty sure DA PAM 670-1 Chapter 5 Section 7 addresses this.
SEE ALSO: From 1860-1916 the uniform regulations for the British Army required ever soldier to have a mustache
3. How the invasion of Iraq really went down:
(via Pop Smoke)
4. When you join the Navy to see the sights:
(via Sh-t My LPO Says)
5. Your trip to find yourself in Vienna does not impress your elders (via Air Force Nation).
6. How the military branches decide who’s the most awesome/fabulous (via Sh-t My LPO Says).
7. Just two combat veterans letting off a little steam in a war zone (via Ranger Up).
8. The standard is Army STRONG …
(via Marine Corps Memes)