It’s the typical Friday schedule: Memes, then shamming, then safety/Libo brief. Just don’t let anyone task you for weekend duty.
1. “Don’t say hanging out in the barracks, don’t say hanging out in the barracks …”
(via Air Force Memes and Humor.)

2. For the Air Force, just finding the gym is worth 50 PFT points (via Air Force Nation).

3. D-mnit, Schmuckatelli. You’re not really supposed to answer that (via Team Non-Rec).

4. The Army was trying to help you …
(via Team Non-Rec.)

5. When you absolutely, positively need chief to know you’re out of uniform:
(via Sh-t my LPO says).

6. Not everyone can be a high-speed, low-drag, turbojet-driven airframe (via Air Force Nation).

7. “You can’t dismiss my Scottish heritage like this, staff sergeant.”
(via F’N Boot.)

8. Never go full Hooah! in a job interview (via Grunt Style).

9. The Navy calls this “The Coast Guard cuddle.”
(via Sh-t my LPO says.)

10. “Never leave a Marine behind …!”
(via Marine Corps Memes.)

11. He’s just trying to keep his boots clean for inspection, chief (via Sh-t my LPO says).

12. Camouflage + PT Belts = Victory
(via Team Non-Rec.)

13. You will never be first because the warrant officers start leaving before the Libo brief starts (via Team Non-Rec).