The 13 funniest military memes of the week

It's a Friday tradition or something. Here are 13 more hilarious military memes: 1. Oh ... reflective belts finally make sense. (via Devil Do…

It’s a Friday tradition or something. Here are 13 more hilarious military memes:

1. Oh … reflective belts finally make sense.

(via Devil Dog Nation)

It’s because lasers. Got it.

2. No one ever wants to play catch with us.

(via Air Force Nation)

Oh well, there’s always next season.

SEE ALSO: 5 real-world covert operations in FX’s ‘Archer’

3. Better hope land nav is held in the playground.

Too boot to even tie his own.

4. Oooh, four shapes at once.

This guy is good.

5. Just stay silent …

(via Air Force Memes and Humor)

6. Finally, a Navy spirit cake (via Sh-t my LPO says).

Pretty sure it tastes like boatswain tears.

7. Like budget problems would explain this photo (via Coast Guard Memes).

What, every part of the vacuum works except the handle?

8. Do not mistake their courtesies for weakness(via Military Memes).

The most polite allies that America has.

9. Accelerate your life (via Pop Smoke).

10. Semper Fidelis-ish (via Devil Dog Nation).

11. We can make it. We can make it. We can …

(via Sh-t my LPO says)

… nope.

12. Sometimes, your brain is a douchebag (via The Salty Soldier).

First two weeks back from deployment is nothing but false alarms.

13. They need your help.

Remember to tag your LTs so that you can find any that wander off.
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Logan Nye

Senior Contributor, Army Veteran

Logan was an Army journalist and paratrooper in the 82nd. Now, he’s a freelance writer covering military history, culture, and technology. He has two upcoming podcasts and a Twitch channel focused on basic military literacy.