This week was a good week for memes. And by “a good week,” I mean I’ve seen more than 1,000 variations of the same SpongeBob meme.
Don’t worry, everybody, we’ll try not to use one… No promises.
13. We all know that one platoon sergeant that just loves watching their Joes complain.

12. Don’t worry, Airmen. We all totally believe that it was hard for you to get through Basic Military Training.

11. “Cellphone training” is actually just teaching young boots what they’ll be doing for 95% of their time as a Lance Corporal.

10. Remember, that blue disk means free hugs are available.

9. Everything sounds more impressive if you use the proper nomenclature instead of explaining what it is.

Not to kill the joke, but it’s the radio antenna… (Meme via Do You Even Comm, Bro?)
8. Why would someone who’s spent their entire adult life in the military lie about what it’s like in the real world?

7. Plot twist: Submariners have been repainting it every month.

6. Troops walk into the retention office with Christmas lists and walk out with, “Sure! I’ll just take Korea and a $20 cup.”

5. What it feels like being an RTO and you prove the drop test works.

4. There are only three types on-post: the married, the coworkers, and the daughter of someone who outranks you. All three are trouble.

3. If you think about it, cats are perfect troops. They attack their enemies on sight, they don’t need attention, and they’re adept at sh*tting in holes.

2. I would have thought they just sent them to 7th Fleet…

1. It’s funny because of all the meanings.

*Bonus* I lied!