It’s finally 2018. One year closer to that sweet blended retirement.
Just kidding, it’s not sweet. Never trade a guaranteed pension for some goofy plan that depends on the market.
If you’ve already opted in, console yourself with these memes. Remember, if you don’t laugh, the terrorists win.
13. If Game of Thrones was set in the modern day (via USAWTFM)

12. Time to call a 20-year E7 (via Pop Smoke)

11. Reason number 3,469 why I didn’t join the Navy (via Decelerate Your Life)

10. How staff NCOs are raised (via Salty Soldier)

9. The flattest flat tops in North Korea are reserved for one man (via Air Force amn/nco/snco)

8. L-T: “Don’t push this button” (via Air Force Memes Humor)

7. Google it (via Coast Guard Memes)

6. Accept who you are

5. There just aren’t that many in MXS

4.”I’m never gonna use this, I’m joining the Army” (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting)

3. Reason number 245,091 to leave the Middle East (via Pop Smoke)

2. You can tell he’s not still in because he appreciates a chuggable red (via Pop Smoke)

1. There’s some disagreement about where the Army’s pit of misery is