I really want to hear the safety brief from the Seabees this week. Any time any lower enlisted screws up, they single that dude out and crucify him in front of the unit to make sure it never happens again. When officers screw up, they play it off as a thing that everyone does wrong and remind everyone that they’re the real victim here. Especially if it’s the same officer who screwed up.
“Alright, guys. I know you might have heard about this streaking epidemic, but that stops today!”
Anyways, here’re some memes.
13. He’ll be fine. That drone flying overhead has a sweet Valentine’s Day gift for him.

12. Always trying to look for that last f*ck to give.

11. Throwing up doesn’t make you less of an alcoholic. It just means you’re making room for more!

10. F*ck Jodie; you can always find a new wife. But what about your dog?

9. Feels like you’re wearing nothing at all… nothing at all… nothing at all…

8. Come on, Seabees. There’s a time and place for running around naked.

7. As long as they only think the party is “just loud,” you’re doing it right.

6. It’s not like they had the balls to try sh*t during the Cold War…

5. Ever wonder why so many Marine brats are born 9 months after the Marine Corps Ball?

4. Just enough motivation to check off the box.

3. Marines will also yell back if they even think you say, “Marine” without capitalizing it.

2. About to leave and you heard the words, “Hey there, hero! Where do you think you’re going?” And Retention wonders why no one speaks to them…

1. Supposedly, you only get Good Conducts for not screwing up for 3 years. Even if you do, you’ll probably still get one anyways…