Just like many memers, I woke up to nothing exciting this morning. Not a single person out of the millions who clicked “going” on the “Storm Area 51, The Can’t Stop All of Us” raid did a damn thing. I expected nothing and yet I’m still disappointed.
No one Naruto ran onto the compound. No one got to test their new alien weaponry. And no alien cheeks were clapped. The music festival that was supposed to take its place didn’t even go anywhere because no one thought to do even the slightest amount of logistics.
Well. I think we all kind of saw this coming. Anyways, here are some memes.

(Meme via Call for Fire)

(Meme via Infantry Follow Me)

(Meme via The Army’s Fckups)

(Meme via The Salty Soldier)

(Meme via Weapons of Meme Destruction)

(Meme via Disgruntled Vets)
Anyone else notice that kids these days have much cooler toys than we did, but all they’ll ever do is just play on the iPad their parents gave them?
I feel rather insulted that we just got the dinky ass Nerf guns and a handful of Legos and they don’t even appreciate this bad boy.

(Meme via Army as F*ck)

(Meme via On The Minute Memes)

(Meme via Team Non-Rec)

(Meme via Valhalla Wear)

(Meme via Coast Guard Memes)

(Meme via Decelerate Your Life)

(Meme via Pop Smoke)