In 1987, Stanley Kubrick released one of the most acclaimed feature films that created a stir within the Marine Corps community — Full Metal Jacket. The movie was an instant hit and, suddenly, veterans and active-duty service members of all ages started memorizing the film’s dialogue and working it into their daily conversations.
Although the film debuted more than 30 years ago, its epic storyline and unique characters contribute to today’s popular culture. Full Metal Jacket still manages to engage audiences, even after we’ve seen it a dozen times. Now, in the age of memes, Full Metal Jacket lives on.

Why isn’t he standing at the position of attention?

We, of course, choose Animal Mother.

Taking jabs at Pvt. Pyle never gets old.

Too bad his vacation didn’t end well…

“Ain’t war hell?”


He was the guest of honor.

So that’s what Animal Mother’s problem was. We were way off!

Neither game has a winner…

Now that’s a war face.