These are the 50 best COVID-19 memes for the week of April 6

Another week in isolation, another week of memes. We're grateful for the people of the internet who are using their creative energy to make us laugh. From Tiger King to overindulging on our quarantine snacks, these are our 50 favorite memes for the…
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Another week in isolation, another week of memes. We’re grateful for the people of the internet who are using their creative energy to make us laugh. From Tiger King to overindulging on our quarantine snacks, these are our 50 favorite memes for the week.

1. Shelf sustainable and so delicious

Plus, so, so cheap.

2. We miss sports

To be fair, I think that’s a little more than six feet. Go Chiefs!

3. You’re open?

I’ve probably done this.

4. Higher power + slushies

While this wasn’t original to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been retweeted lately since it’s so appropriate now.

5. The Cure

Hahahaha. Sorry, not sorry.

6. Ok, actually sorry

2020: Hold my beer.

7. Need some new hobbies

Bonus points if you like to touch your face in restaurants.

8. Poor Ernie

I wonder if he and Bert are social distancing?

9. Chomp

Live footage of me at Costco.

10. Beauty and the Beast

Excited to be singing this for the next three months.

11. Love in the time of COVID-19

The honeymoon is definitely over.

12. Dolly has the truth

Also 11:00pm – 2:00am.

13. No expert needed

These are a relic!

14. Groundhog Day

Hard to see your shadow if you’re not allowed outside…


Polish up on your conversation skills since ya’ll aren’t going to meet in person for awhile.

16. Mr. Rogers

Also, carry the one.

17. Baby Yoda knows

​Seriously, why hasn’t soap always been anecessity?

18. World’s Best Boss

The Michael Scott cringe is real.

19. Rainy days

At this point, my kids would prefer a paper bag.

20. Get it, Sheryl

Like a good neighbor, a She Shed is there.

21. Lenten sacrifice

Friends, family, parks, dining in public, the list goes on…

22. The force be with you

You’re on mute, Luke!

23. April Fools

Spoiler alert: It didn’t happen.

24. Refund requested

Unsubscribe us from this year, please.

25. Spider pun

You know you’re going to repeat this one.

26. #truth

Oh how the little things seem so big now!

27. The windows to the walls

Raise the roof, my friends.

28. When you’re digging deep in the freezer

Quarantine doesn’t necessarily bring out the best in us. And kids are learning allll sorts of new vocab words.

29. The Last Supper

Holy Week is definitely a little different this year…


But if there’s a taco eat-a-long, I’m in.

31. Brady Bunch 

Pretty much every zoom classroom meeting.

32. Oh Dwight

Stanley knows what’s up.

33. The days

^^^ All the times I haven’t worn real pants.

34. It all runs together

Fridays have never been so obsolete.

35. Scrub-a-dub

Baths are the new big event.

36. Carol for the win

You cool cats and kittens.

37. Arts and crafts for the win

It’s a big stress relief.

38. For-ev-er

She’s definitely aging better than most of us.

39. The hand off

Not pictured: the wine glass handing the baton to the bourbon.

40. Life skills

Make sure your selfie shows some sort of self-preservation ability.

41. Joe Exotic

Or RC Cola.

42. Mattress games 

Also excellent for sledding down stairs.

43. Homeschool geometry

10 in 10 chance there are at least 14 Tupperware without lids or 14 extra lids. Either way, 0% likelihood it’s a one to one ratio.

44. Roll Tide

Sorry Vols.

45. The quarantine 15 (or 60)

But there are just so many snacks.

46. Bobby Boucher

This education brought to you by day drinking.

47. Dexter approved

And going into a bank with a bandana over your face is expected…

48. Apocalypse wear

Kinda samesies.

49. Nemo knows

We’ve come so far… but seriously, now what?

50. Every remote employee

And yet we’ll keep doing it every day…

Stay safe, keep your sense of humor and wash your hands!

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Tessa Robinson

Editor in Chief, Former CIA

Tessa Robinson is the Editor in Chief for We Are The Mighty. She spent over a decade with the federal government working in emergency management before reinventing herself as a writer courtesy of military life. Prior to coming to WATM, Robinson served as Managing Editor for Spouse and Family at and Branded Content at Task and Purpose. She’s the author of the New York Times Deployment Diary and founder of Humans on the Homefront. Robinson served on the Board of Advisors of the Military Family Advisory Network, and has worked with countless military nonprofits and VSOs to better support our military community.