We hope you’re not sick or sick of memes, either. Somehow quarantine is dragging on but the memes and tweets still don’t disappoint. Another week, another meme-drop. Stay safe, wash your hands and remember: Laughter is the best medicine. That is, until we have medicine.

1. Walmart
But if there’s one thing we’ve learned in our time in quarantine together… isn’t it that pants are optional?

2. Gamers for the win
You sweet little adorable social recluses. At least you’re better at talking to people online than anyone else we know. We’re sorry we never saw this as a skillset.

3. Chili’s
True story, Pam. True story.

4. Panda
Who needs the freshman 15 when you have the COVID-19?

5. Two types of people
Definitely team carrot cake over here.

6. Zoom church
The struggle is real.

7. Wine break!
Of course we’re still watching. What else would we be doing??

8. Coffee
We like this a latte.

9. Self care
You know everyone checks the closets. The car is safe. For now.

10. Rent
525,600 minutes. In Zoom meetings, in cancelled plans, in meals cooked, and cups of quarantine coffee.

11. We salad you
And if you need a snack, you’re all set.

12. Salsa
That’s what I’m taco-ing about.

13. Devil
He was willing to make a deal….

14. Weekend at Kim’s house
Any chance that guy is just quarantining? No?

15. Hugs
Challenge accepted.

16. Lysol
They’re probably on the black market with the hand sanitizer and TP.

17. Memes
This one will never get old.

Poor woman is *almost* as hated as a North Korean dictator.

19. Friends
Can you imagine social distancing at Central Perk?

20. Furby
Poor Furby looks like every dude out there right now.

21. Peloton
He’s looking pretty smart right about now.

22. Wilsooonnnnn
Everyone should have that neighbor. Also, please come do all our Home Improvements.

23. Grapes of mom’s wrath
This history lesson brought to you by Chardonnay.

Go home 2020. You’re drunk.

25. Chin up!
Hahaha, noticing the decline in selfies on social media, aren’t ya?

26. 2020 progression
Jokes on all of us.

27. Lockdown message
You can barely tell.

28. Introversion
Living that best solo life. You were born for this.

29. Please forward
Karen would have sent the message.

30. Fencing
We hear deuling is pretty good too.

31. Make the call

32. Nokia
I mean just how many games of that weird snake situation could you play?

33. Elf on the shelf
She dead.

34. Jurassic Park

35. Love language
Wine for the win.
Have a great week!