In 1986, Paramount released Top Gun, story about a hotshot Naval aviator named “Maverick” who had some extreme daddy issues. The film was action-packed with awesome dogfights and a classic rivalry.
Did you ever wonder how different Top Gun would have been if Iceman — Maverick’s only competition — was the star of the film?
We did and here are seven reasons why we think the movie should have been about Iceman.
1. We would have seen way more pen flipping.
There nothing more badass than a classic stare-down to start off an epic rivalry. But add in a slick gold pen being flipped through the fingers of a top-notch Naval aviator, and you have the coolest introduction to a character (pun intended).
2. There would have been way more classic insults.
Let’s face it, Maverick wasn’t known for his sh*t talking other than “flipping off” an enemy pilot while being inverted — but Iceman was pretty damn good at it.
“The plaque for the for the alternates is down in the ladies room.” — Iceman
3. Top Gun would have had way more sex scenes in it — and they wouldn’t have been in complete darkness.
Iceman wasn’t looking to hook up with an instructor — he was much more interested in every single girl that was near the base.
Iceman wears sunglasses at night — and he totally pulls it off. (Source: Paramount/ Screenshot)
4. They would have finished the iconic volleyball game since Iceman is no quitter.
Need we say more?
5. No one would have traumatized over Goose’s death.
It would have just been another accident from a “military exercise” resulting in a fatality. That is all.
6. Iceman and Maverick would have totally got into a fistfight.
Do you really think Maverick could have beaten Iceman in a brawl? Well, if Iceman was the star of the movie, we probably would have found out for sure.
7. The Top Gun graduation would have been shown since Iceman did beat out Maverick.
We think it would have been cool to know how he got the gold pen he was flipping around his fingers earlier — he might have told the story during his plaque presentation.