Why you should start a book club in your military community 

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Book club. Photo via Canva.


Dearest Gentle Reader…We are all well aware of how tough it can be to find hobbies and a community we love through this military lifestyle. This is your reminder that at times you need to create your own in order to thrive and bloom where you are planted. 

Two years ago, we arrived at our new duty station with the heartfelt hope of finding a village as great as the one we had just left behind. After months of searching and having no luck of a perfect match, this author decided to create a group of her own that catered to lovers of literature. 

Reading is a highly beneficial hobby; one that can reduce stress (which we are all very acquainted with), boost creativity, help with critical thinking, enhance concentration and bring enjoyment and personal growth. 

A local book club was started to welcome all military spouses from the community to share the love of reading and discussion. Fairly new to the book club realm, the goal was to create a coven of diverse readers who needed an outlet to socialize while enriching perspectives, fostering communication and critiquing the latest spine-bound magic. 

The work began, sharing about the new social club in town, welcoming introverts and extroverts alike who loved reading as much as myself. It has been the most delightful experience. Meeting a group of bibliophiles who also understand and live through the chaos that is military life is 100% awesome and worth it.  

If this is you — a hopeless romantic waiting to read the next novel on your TBR (to be read), an avid reader looking forward to unwinding with a new mystery, a mood reader looking forward to the next best-seller, the audiobook enthusiast ready to listen to a monthly pick full of charismatic characters, and most of all a military spouse looking for connection, community and bookish friends — you should start a book club.

Here are 5 reasons to start a book club in your military community:

Members of the Book Club for Adults discuss a book during a monthly meeting at the Sagamihara Family Housing Area Library, SFHA, Japan, Jan. 21, 2020.

1. Social interaction

This life can be lonely and choosing a hobby like reading while making friends, talking to others, having a distraction from military life is beneficial and rewarding. A book club can also give you a sense of belonging and will allow you to improve your social skills.

2. Accountability

How many times have you started a book and not finished it? How many times have you started a reading goal and felt unmotivated? A book club will keep you wanting to keep reading, will allow you to be interested in different genres, will help you start and finish books on a regular basis and most of all you will get a sense of achievement. 

3. Stress relief

This is important and reading works as a great self-care habit. Reading on your own or with a group and then discussing it fosters relaxation and will help you reduce stress. 

4. Brainpower

Yes! Reading helps you strengthen your critical thinking, gives you more perspective into what you are reading and allows you to analyze context. Sharing about what you have read and also hearing others discuss the material can expose you to new ideas and forming more opinions. 

5. Discover new books, authors, genres

Writer Myra Robinson enjoys her visit with the Vicenza Library book club Sept. 6 on Caserma Ederle. Robinson spent the evening with about 20 members of the community to discuss her book, "The Best Mud in Italy."
Writer Myra Robinson enjoys her visit with the Vicenza Library book club Sept. 6 on Caserma Ederle. Robinson spent the evening with about 20 members of the community to discuss her book, “The Best Mud in Italy.” U.S. Army photo.

This is so great! Many people stick to genres they know. Being part of a book club that likes to change things up will open your world to something you might not usually read. Reading a variety of genres will help you become a better reader. 

    Now that you know all the great pros of starting a book club the next question is…How do I start one?

    As long as you have a community around you willing to give the group a chance you are set. Start there, see if there is interest in other readers getting together and with the help of social media create a group. 

    Keep it simple and allow everyone to recommend the books to read, allow everyone to have a say on what the group reads to keep it diverse. 

    Meet as needed to discuss, usually once a month works for everyone since many people have other commitments. No drama allowed, friendly atmosphere, choose a public gathering spot until everyone feels comfortable with each other. 

    A book club is more than just a distraction for the bookworms in the community. It is a safe space where enriching conversation, rewarding connection and diverse perspectives meet to be part of something worth having. It is wonderful to reflect, share and enjoy everyone’s company because of a book and hopefully you can start one where you are planted now.