Why you should journal your military journey

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Senior Airman Oriana Beard writes a new bullet journal entry at her desk in the AFN Kunsan radio station, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Feb. 13, 2020. Bullet Journaling is a method of writing a daily planner and including more artistic elements such as scrapbooking, sketching, painting or diary entries. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jerreht Harris)
Senior Airman Oriana Beard writes a new bullet journal entry at her desk in the AFN Kunsan radio station, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Feb. 13, 2020. Bullet Journaling is a method of writing a daily planner and including more artistic elements such as scrapbooking, sketching, painting or diary entries. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jerreht Harris)


Your military journey is filled with unique experiences. Journaling turns those moments into a meaningful narrative. Whether you are navigating your first deployment or reflecting on years of service, journaling captures the highs, the lows, and everything in between. This practice is not just about writing; it is a tool for reflection, stress relief, and preserving the memories that shape your military life.

Why Journaling Matters: An Anchor in the Military World

In the fast-paced life of a military spouse, journaling becomes a steadying force. It is not just about recording events; it is about understanding them. Military life is full of transitions, from PCS moves to deployments. Each chapter comes with its own challenges and triumphs. Journaling helps you process these experiences, turning them into stories that empower you.

Imagine looking back through your journal years from now. You will see how much you have grown. Those daily reflections will remind you of the resilience you have built. Journaling provides a safe space to explore your emotions, celebrate victories, and even find humor in the quirks of military life.

Getting Started: Simple Steps to Begin Journaling

Starting a journal does not need to feel overwhelming. It is about finding what suits you. This could be a simple notebook, a digital diary, or even a voice recording app. The key is consistency. Making journaling a regular part of your day turns it into a comforting habit.

  1. Daily Reflections: At the end of each day, write down what stood out to you. This does not have to be profound. Perhaps it was a kind word from a fellow spouse or a beautiful sunset on base. These small moments add up, creating a meaningful story over time.
  2. Capturing Milestones: Military life is full of significant moments. This could be your first homecoming, a promotion ceremony, or your first day at a new duty station. Write about these experiences in detail. Describe how you felt, who was there, and why it was special. These entries will become cherished memories.
  3. Using Prompts for Inspiration: If you are unsure where to start, prompts can help. Websites like Promptly Journals or Journal Buddies offer military-specific prompts. Questions like “What did I learn today?” or “How have I changed since our last PCS?” encourage deep reflection and help you uncover insights.

Journaling as Self-Care: A Therapeutic Practice

Journaling is more than a way to document your life; it is also a powerful tool for self-care. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process complex emotions, especially during challenging times like deployments or PCS moves. It is a private space where you can be completely honest without judgment.

Stress is a common part of military life, but journaling offers a way to manage it. When you put your worries on paper, they often feel less overwhelming. It is a chance to clear your mind, organize your thoughts, and gain perspective. Over time, journaling can become a soothing ritual that brings peace and clarity.

Turning Journaling into a Creative Outlet

Journaling is not just for reflection; it can also be a creative outlet. Let your journal be a place where you experiment with writing, drawing, or even collaging. Perhaps you want to write a letter to your future self, create a vision board, or sketch scenes from your day. The only limit is your imagination.

For spouses with creative passion, organizations like Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP) offer workshops that help you explore your artistic side. Whether you are interested in writing, visual arts, or performance, these programs provide a supportive community where you can express yourself fully.

Making Journaling a Family Activity

Journaling does not have to be something you do alone. It can be a wonderful way to connect with your family, especially during deployments or separations. Consider starting a family journal where everyone contributes. You can share thoughts, drawings, or messages, keeping everyone connected even when miles apart.

Journaling can be fun and educational for mil kids. It helps them express their feelings and develop writing skills. Tools like My Deployment Journal by Sesame Workshop offer prompts and activities designed specifically for military kids, making journaling a positive experience.

The Long-Term Impact of Journaling

Your journal is more than just a collection of thoughts; it is a legacy. It is a record of your life as a military spouse, filled with stories that can be passed down to future generations. Imagine your children or grandchildren reading your journal one day, learning about your experiences, and gaining insight into military life.

Journaling also adds a personal touch to the broader story of military families. Whether you choose to keep your journal private or share it with others, it is a valuable resource that captures the richness of your journey.

Programs like the Military Voices Initiative by StoryCorps offer opportunities to preserve and share your military journey with a wider audience. Their Military Voices Initiative allows service members, veterans, and their families to record and archive their stories, ensuring your experiences are remembered.

Start Journaling Today

Journaling is more than just a hobby; it is a way to take control of your story. As a military spouse, your life is full of unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs. By journaling, you create a space to reflect, process, and preserve these moments.

Grab a notebook, open a new document, or hit record on your phone. Start journaling today, and watch your military journey come to life on the page. It is your story—make it one worth telling.