6 travel organization tips for a pain-free PCS with a toddler

Jaimi Erickson Avatar
Toddler rides a car with a rubber ducky float
Avoid tantrums with keeping the toddlers occupied. Photo via Canva.


Planning a PCS road trip with a toddler presents quite a few challenges, but with the right approach, it can be manageable. Avoiding toddler meltdowns on a PCS road trip is a parent’s primary focus. PCS time comes with its own challenges and making that trek with toddlers adds an extra element of adventure. 

Key points for making the travel successful include packing smart, planning frequent stops to let your toddler stretch and play, and organizing snacks and activities to keep them entertained. Proactively planning for the essentials makes a PCS road trip with toddlers more comfortable for everyone in the vehicle. These six tips for getting organized will calm stress and make the journey memorable.

6 Tips for PCSing With A Toddler

Keep toddlers content in the car

Create a fun grab-bag of play items to keep toddlers busy while driving long distances. Think of this as a Mary Poppins bag of fun. 

Prepare a backpack or diaper bag with special travel games, toddler-friendly books and toys that are road trip friendly. These should be durable and washable items. Include a selection of kid-friendly music as a distraction until the next pit stop is available. When toddlers can hold comfort items in their hands and hear familiar music the journey is more enjoyable for everyone.

Bring all the snacks, and then add extra

Special road trip snacks are a great way to buy yourself more time on the road in between meal stops. Have a bag of toddler-friendly snacks. When they get antsy, offer them a snack if the toys and music are not keeping them content. Always pack more snacks than you think you will need, just in case.

Plan for stops near parks, or playgrounds 

Members of the Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson community participate in the grand opening of the Chugach Playground next to the Chugach Housing section on JBER, August 4, 2017. The $225,000 “Everyday Heroes” playground project took six weeks to complete. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera)

When traveling with a toddler, maximize every stop. Plan your trip so stops occur around the location of parks, playgrounds or restaurants with play places. Spend a good hour at each stop. Toddlers need to burn energy after long stretches in the car. Allowing time for them to climb, run and play out of their carseat may help your toddler last in the car for longer stretches of time. 

State rest stops often have green space. This is a prime location to let toddlers run with supervision. Encourage toddlers to move out the wiggles at rest stops before heading back out on the road. If an overnight stay is in the plan, burning energy at rest stops will be essential to everyone getting better sleep in the hotel.

Plan for shorter travel days

On a PCS move with small children, accommodation needs to be made for shorter travel days. Planning a total daily travel time of six hours each day may be a good goal. Traveling with a toddler will make the journey feel longer. Include your longer stops into any daily mileage plan. 

Choose hotels with pools and spend time in the evening

Make kid-friendly hotel choices. Spend time at hotel stops, in the pool or at a playground, to help everyone avoid road trip overwhelm. That is the theme of the trip: finding ways to burn that little kid energy! Choose hotels that have a pool, are located near a playground, or have restaurants or a mall nearby with a play area. Including these in your trip can make the travel more fun for everyone. 

You will have a diversion in the evening. Your toddler will be less likely to bounce off the walls of your hotel room. And, you will know you have done your best to meet your child’s needs amidst all the challenges of a military PCS move.

Form lasting memories along the journey

Military families can navigate PCS road trips with toddlers in tow and make lasting memories along the way. Create a PCS plan with smart stops and pack toddler-friendly essentials. Include a snack bag, travel toys and books, and park locations with space to run so everyone gets time to stretch their legs and burn energy. 

Think of a PCS with a toddler as a family adventure. With some key planning and time management, a PCS road trip with small children can be successful. Making family memories is worth the effort of the journey.