13 best Veterans Day memes of 2022

Tessa Robinson Avatar


We couldn’t celebrate a military-related holiday without memes — especially not one as ripe with them as Veterans Day. Whether you spend the day cashing in on your well-deserved 10% discount from little-known retail stores, saving tens of hundreds of pennies or hunting stolen valor with the commitment of a new airman handing out towels at the base gym in Minot, North Dakota, we salute you.

Truly, thank you for your service. You also know we have to make fun. It’s how we show love.

Here are our 13 favorite Veterans Day memes to show you how much we care:

1. Obligatory social media post

it's veterans day

How else will people know to tag you in their posts about thanking veterans for their freedom today?

2. Memorial Day vs. Veterans Day

memorial day vs veterans day

Don’t worry. If your friends forget to tag you on Facebook today, they’ll do it in May and wish you a Happy Memorial Day! (Insert eye roll.) But seriously folks, if you don’t understand this meme, please read this. Bless your heart.


I almost joined the military meme
Meme from Veteran Life

Grab your popcorn and settle in for the, “I was totally on pace to be a Green Beret/Navy SEAL/F-18 pilot but my eyes were bad” stories.

4. Take the day

working on veterans day

Nothing says, “Thank you for your service,” like only the government getting the day off. Enjoy your 4pm staff meeting. On a Friday, no less.


rotc veterans day memes
Via PopSmoke

Aw, sweet babies. How quickly the world owes you something for getting out of bed on time. Don’t worry. We’ll fix that for you once “real life” starts.

6. Vets

thank the vet meme

We wonder how many veterinarians are scrolling through social media today, sighing every time they see, “Thank a Vet!”

7. Call to Action

call to action

Not so funny. Sorry. But, if you’re looking for a good way to honor Veterans Day, instead of just thanking someone for their service, invest in local or national veteran service organizations doing great work. Here are 6 ways to support homeless veterans.

8. Grass is greener

EAS veterans day memes

“Adventure” takes on a whole new meaning when you’re digging through spreadsheets instead of wading through sh*t.



Too soon?

10. We fancy like

dd-214 at applebee's

Does this mean I have to pay full price for my Fiesta Lime Chicken?

11. You’re the only one

happy veterans day memes

Can drones do knife hands? I don’t think so! (Well let’s be honest… not yet.)

12. Stolen Valor

Stolen Valor meme

So tell me, how DID YOU earn your SIX MEDALS OF HONOR?!?

13. Obligatory sappy Veterans Day meme

sappy memes

To all of our veterans who have served: We see you, we appreciate you, we celebrate you. And yes, we’re going to say it: Thank you for your service. Happy Veterans Day! Enjoy your 10% discounts – you’ve earned them.

Tessa Robinson Avatar

Tessa Robinson

Editor in Chief, Former CIA

Tessa Robinson is the Editor in Chief for We Are The Mighty. She spent over a decade with the federal government working in emergency management before reinventing herself as a writer courtesy of military life. Prior to coming to WATM, Robinson served as Managing Editor for Spouse and Family at Military.com and Branded Content at Task and Purpose. She’s the author of the New York Times Deployment Diary and founder of Humans on the Homefront. Robinson served on the Board of Advisors of the Military Family Advisory Network, and has worked with countless military nonprofits and VSOs to better support our military community.