Living in the barracks might just be good for you

When you first enter the military and you're not yet receiving a Basic Allowance for Housing, you're going to be live in the barracks. Depending on what branch of service you joined, you could be living in a private, single-man suite or sharing a …
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When you first enter the military and you’re not yet receiving a Basic Allowance for Housing, you’re going to be live in the barracks. Depending on what branch of service you joined, you could be living in a private, single-person suite or sharing a shack with two other people. No matter where you’re living, life in the barracks is full of all kinds of unique challenges. Especially if you’ve never shared a room with a sibling, you have to get used to being near someone ALL THE TIME. 

Although the toilets don’t flush, the showers are never hot, and the front door never locks, living in a barracks room does have its advantages.

Related: 7 ways barracks parties prepare you for college life

1. It better prepares you for a combat deployment

It’s so close to sleeping outside. Like glamping without the glam. It’s almost camping, it’s almost a shelter. Perfect training for when you’re deployed and have to really sleep outside. Or you’re pulling staff duty and find the perfect place to catch some unsanctioned ZZZs. 

2. It creates camaraderie

Bad situations create special relationships, especially when you live in a place where nothing works. These rough times also make for some solid memories. And when you’re out of the barracks and on your own, you’ll look back and miss these times. Just kidding, but you’ll probably miss the friends you make. 

3. You appreciate the little things

When your water heater is always broken and your electricity continuously goes in and out, you begin to miss the life you once had back home that, once upon a time, you swore you didn’t want anymore.

4. There are tons of places to hide sh*t

When tiles are loose and there are holes in the wall, you can go “prison style” and find ways to conceal your vodka if you’re underage. It’s freaking simple.

5. Room inspections are easier

You can only vacuum a stained carpet so many times — it’s still dirty and always will be. Tell room inspectors that the closet door was broken when you moved in.

In the barracks, room inspectors have seen it all before, so it’s not the end of the world if they see a dust-ball floating around on the deck.

That chip was there when I get here, sergeant. (Photo by Spc. Robert Cook)

Also Read: 6 times Gunny Hartman was guilty of hazing

6. It makes moving out feels that much more special

When you finally get married or leave the military, you can pat yourself on the back knowing you’ve lived in the worst place ever… and survived.

Tim Kirkpatrick entered the Navy in 2007 as a Hospital Corpsman and deployed to Sangin, Afghanistan with 3rd Battalion 5th Marines in the fall of 2010. Tim now has degrees in both Film Production and Screenwriting.