Here’s the way-funnier version of what the Marine PFT is really like

For a test you know all the answers to that never changes, the PFT (Physical Fitness Test) is always a mixed bag of results. Let's admit it, the only people who worry about the PFT are those that only work out so they can pass the PFT. T…
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For a test you know all the answers to that never changes, the Physical Fitness Test is always a mixed bag of results. Let’s admit it, the only people who worry about the PFT are those that only work out so they can pass the PFT.

The boys at Terminal Boots made this hilarious video about the typical Marine PFT and nailed the experience for all the troops in all service branches. Sure, requirements vary from service branch to service branch but the human element is practically the same.

Case in point comes from Deacon who’s puking his guts out at the beginning of the video. Like Deacon, there’s always that person who’s hungover or drunk from the night before because they had extra time off — probably because leadership let them off early so they can be rested prior to the PFT.

Watch (Humorous PFT profanity warning):

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