The complete guide to Army & military bases in Virginia

fort belvoir is one of the military bases in Virginia
A view of the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital at Fort Belvoir, Va. (U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Sharay Bennett/Released)

Do you have questions about the Fort Lee military base in Virginia? Or maybe you just have questions in general about military bases in Virginia. Well, as you might expect, the state is no stranger to military installations. That probably has something to do with its strategic location! In fact, the state is home to 19 military installations. Every branch of the DoD has a home in Virginia – except for the Space Force. It should come as no surprise that most of the installations are Army or Navy. So, if you’re wondering about military bases in Northern Virginia, this post is for you!

Army Garrison Regional Training Center, Fort A.P. Hill

Ft. A.P. Hill is a military base in Virginia located near Bowling Green. Its mission focuses on arms training for all branches of the military. This post is also home to the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. Both the Department of State and the Department of the Interior train here. Of course, that’s to say nothing of the rigorous Customs and Border Protection training that happens here, too! Like Ft. Lee and other DoD installations, Ft. A.P. Hill is going to get a new name. Right now, it’s named for a Confederate Lieutenant General.

Ft. Belvoir

Anyone who’s spend some time in or around the Army has probably heard about Ft. Belvoir. That might have something to do with the fact that it’s been around since 1917, making it one of the oldest Army installations. Belvoir isn’t just home to the Army though – several other DoD agencies are there, too. Fun fact: this Army installation employs more people than the Pentagon! Because of its massive size, it should come as no surprise that there are three distinct parts to post. This includes the main post, the Davison Army Airfield, and Ft. Belvoir North. Most of the units at Ft. Belvoir have something to do with intelligence and readiness efforts. Speaking of Arlington National Cemetery, here’s the fascinating origin of this hallowed resting place.

Ft. Eustis

As you might expect, after the Base Realignment and Closure recommendations, Ft. Eustis saw some changes. Namely, it merged with Langley Air Force Base. These days, this military base in Virginia is called the Langley-Eustis Joint Base. On the Army side, the mission there is to provide training and logistical support for Airborne and aviation divisions of the Army. It’s also home to the TRADOC command and the Army Aviation Logistics School. Eustis is located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, which is home to plenty of other military installations. This joint Army-Air Force base serves as the primary base for logistics, transportation, and aviation maintenance service members. Its close proximity to so much of America’s earliest history makes it an excellent duty station.

fort eustis is one of the military bases in Virginia
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Mwangi John, a 1st Battalion, 210th Aviation Regiment instructor, teaches Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 222d Aviation Regiment how to conduct a SALUTE report, a standard format for reporting enemy information, at the Advanced Individual Training Field Training Exercise at Fort Eustis, Virginia, July 28, 2021. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. George Prince)

Ft. Lee

Ft. Lee is a military base located in central Virginia and is the headquarters of the Army Combined Arms Support Command. It other name is the Sustainment Center of Excellence. The installation is home to two Army museums – one that explores the history of the Quartermasters and one that plays homage to American women who have served.

The Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America recommends that Ft. Lee get a new name. There’s no official word of the new name. However, most in the know say that the installation should be called Ft. Gregg-Adams in honor of retired Lt. Gen Author Gregg and Charity Adams, the first Black woman in the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps. Adams was also the commander of the first WWII battalion of Black-women only Soldiers.

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall

JBM-HH is one of the smaller military bases in Virginia. This Army post is located in Arlington, Virginia. The installation wraps around Arlington National Cemetery. Here you’ll find the official Army band – Pershing’s Own and A Company, the Commander in Chief’s Guard.  but it’s home to one of the oldest Army regiments – the 3rd Infantry Regiment. Also called The Old Guard, the Soldiers attached to this Regiment guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and participate in military honor funerals. Arlington National Cemetery is the site of several important graves, including John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and others. Of particular note is that the military’s largest Child Development Center is located on post.

In addition to these installations, there’s an Army National Guard installation located near Blackstone, Virginia called Ft. Picket. This is the home of the Army National Guard Maneuver Training Center. It’s named for a Confederate General. It’s one of several DoD installations that will soon receive a new name.

Want to find out more about the 10 installations that will be renamed? Check out this list.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Army bases are in Virginia?

Virginia has four Army bases. Ft. A.P Hill is used as a maneuver training center for all DoD branches.

How many military members live in Virginia?

The area has a robust military population, thanks in part to its several installations.

What is the largest military base in Virginia?

The largest military base in Virginia is Norfolk Naval Base.

Which Air Force bases are in Virginia?

There’s one Air Force base in Virginia, Langley Air Force Base.

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Jessica Evans

Senior Contributor

Jessica Evans has more than a decade of content writing experience and a heart for military stories. Her work focuses on unearthing long-forgotten stories and illuminating unsung heroes. She is a member of the Editorial Freelance Association and volunteers her time with Veterans Writing Project, where she mentors military-connected writers.