Love them or hate them, military balls are a right of passage for each member and their significant other. Dressing up, eating the food (and then grabbing McDonalds on your way home) and awkwardly making small talk with those at your table — this is a sacred and honored tradition that still reigns throughout military branches today. Whether you embrace each ball and plan it for months in advance, or show up last minute, kicking and screaming, it’s a common tradition we know all too well.
Take a look at these memes that outline just how the night will likely play out.
- When being voluntold gets pricey.
Don’t forget about the cash bar.
- Be on the lookout for cadets, errr ummm, privates at all times.
When their jam comes on, get OUT of the way.
- Spouses are thankful to get their glam on.
Tomorrow, back to look one.
- The crew who should’ve double checked their look.
But the people watching is excellent.
- As are the conversations overheard in the bathroom.
For their sake, you’re hoping that’s true.
- And then there’s things that make you say, “But whyyy??”
Also, is this legal?
- The crew who takes tipsy to a whole new level.
Bless them and their Sunday hangovers.
- You might not be sure about your choice of dinner.
Snack before you go. No matter what.
- It’s a look.
We aren’t sure if he likes it or not.
- But you’re sure to have good stories in the morning.
Just remember, on Monday, they never happened.
Military balls are bound to be a night for the books. Whatever your favorite part about the event, remember to keep it classy. While technically it’s a party, it’s also a work party, with bosses in tow.
What’s your most memorable event about a past military ball? Let us know below.