Nominate a local hero for a citizen honor award

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Photo courtesy of Congressional Medal of Honor Society.


Do you know someone in your community who embodies courage, sacrifice, and service to others? The Medal of Honor Recipients are seeking nominations for everyday heroes whose selflessness and bravery make a profound difference. The Citizen Honors Awards, presented by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, honor individuals who exemplify the values represented by the Medal of Honor.

Every year since 2007, a nationwide search is conducted to select five United States citizens and one organization to receive the Citizen Honors Awards. The Awards are one of the numerous ways the Congressional Medal of Honor Society fulfills its mission to promote the values embodied by the Medal: courage, sacrifice, integrity, commitment, patriotism, and citizenship.

A panel assembled by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society considers all nominations and selects national finalists. Then, a second panel made up exclusively of Medal of Honor Recipients—Americans whose actions have truly defined the words “courage” and “selfless service”—selects individuals and organizations from those finalists to receive the Citizen Honors Awards.

Photo courtesy of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.

Any United States civilian who, through a singular act of extraordinary heroism or through a prolonged series of selfless acts, clearly demonstrated a willingness to place his or her own life at risk for others or has dedicated themselves to the service of others can be nominated. In all cases, the actions being honored must epitomize the concept of “service above self” and must be performed “above and beyond” one’s professional or vocational area of responsibility or conduct. Young Americans aged 17 and under can be nominated for their courage or dedication to service. Community organizations can be nominated for their exceptional impact or mission in supporting our nation’s military service members and families.

Please note: Individual nominees who are deceased are eligible. Nominees must be a U.S. citizen. All acts must have occurred within the 12 months prior to nomination. Acts of valor or service cannot have been performed towards one’s own family members. Community organizations must be certified non-profits and must currently be in operation. Government and government-affiliated organizations are not eligible. Self-nominations for individual awards will not be accepted. The Congressional Medal of Honor Society reserves the right to not present an award in a particular category in any year.

The award categories are:

Single Act of Heroism Award

Recognizes Americans who accomplish extraordinary feats of heroism by risking their lives for the benefit of others in a dire situation.

Young Hero Award

Recognizes young Americans aged 17 or younger for their courage in a dire situation.

Service Act Award

Recognizes Americans who consistently place others before themselves through a focused initiative of volunteer service.

Community Service Award

Recognizes a community-based non-profit organization for its exceptional impact or mission in supporting our nation’s military service members and families.

Youth Service Award

Recognizes young Americans age 8-17 for placing others before themselves through volunteer service.

Awardees will be celebrated in a special ceremony hosted by Medal of Honor Recipients in Washington, D.C., on Medal of Honor Day – March 25, 2025. To nominate a local hero, visit or email All submissions are due by December 1, 2024.