I pity the fool!
The extremely photogenic Marine trying to be the next Rambo.

These soldiers broing out with matching 25mm ammo rounds.

This Afghan cop whose way too good looking to show his face.

The soldier who got ditched by his squad.

This soldier whose belt is long enough to jump rope with.

The soldier who finally gets to have a turn on the 240. YES!

This Afghan soldier picking out his best Rambo pose.

These soldiers accessorizing before joining the Siege of Leningrad.

The admin soldier who doesn’t skip a photo op.

The guy with a hero complex.

The soldier who wants to play something else besides war.

No one is big enough to wear a vulcan cannon ammo belt.

These grunts with a mess on their hands.

The soldier who washes and dries his ammo belts.

This lady showing off her belt collection.

This guy who would rather play cowboys and indians.

This guy who outdoes Mr. T.