These are your Top 10 military TikToks for the week

Jessica Evans Avatar


Each week, we bring you a roundup of great military TikToks. Take a look, have a laugh, maybe even learn something new.

First up, this #airbornfail. What exactly is going on here?!

The year is less than two weeks old, but we can all relate to this infantry soldier.

Check out how far the Air Force has come since the 1980s!

Thinking about adding some new exercies to your PT? Maybe these Afghan jumping jacks will do the trick.

She can’t see!

Maybe it’s a good idea not to do this?

Seems like an appropriate way to get there …

This dude is DETERMINED to be first

Oops! Definitely not what you should call your Commander …

“If it ain’t raining, we ain’t training!”

Check back next week for another roundup of entertaining TikTok videos!

Looking for more videos to watch. Check out this list!

See someone you know? Tag them!