Happy Friday! Got memes you want to see in the rundown? Send ’em over to our Facebook page. Go ahead and “Like” us while you’re there.
1. Tricky Dick knew tons of secret ways of getting the weapons clean faster (via Marine Corps Memes)

2. B-2 getting up to attack speed.

Well, unless you’re where the democracy is dropped. Then you’ll see nothing – ever again.
SEE ALSO: 11 reactions to seeing your relief show up after a long watch
3. Know all those classes when you get to a new post?

4. This is what happens when no one takes charge.

I always copy the guy wearing a PT belt. That guy is squared away as f*ck.
5. Future puddle pirate, right here.

It’s not about the size of the boat in the fight – except when it is.
6. “Technician!”

7. A hero modestly explains his significance.

8. In his defense, it’s not like you stand at attention for it (via Marine Corps Memes).

9. The Nazi Air Force didn’t focus enough on PT.

10. The driver is trying to find the button for JP-8 …

… and the PLT sergeant is inside buying dip.
11. How the Air Force turns new recruits into the toughest badasses on the planet (via Marine Corps Memes).

12. Some branches kill terrorists …

13. Well, doing PT takes, like, an hour a day.