With crews of four men, thick armor, and enough firepower to level a village, tanks weren’t designed to fly. But the laws of physics never stopped tankers from trying:
1. Like this baby taking flight:

2. Can you say tankapult?

3. Seriously, this is what life as a US Army tanker is all about. Shooting, jumping and blowing stuff up, you know: tank stuff.

4. We hear that the newer Polish tanks will have an easier time getting off the ground than this one.

5. Is this a Russian separatist tank? Those guys have lots of fancy gear.

6. No, this is not photoshopped.

7. Boomshakalaka!

8. Here’s how the Indonesian Marines do it.

9. This photo proves that trying to fly tanks isn’t a new phenomenon.

11. They even tried to make it into a sport.

11. Forget calling in air support, call your craziest tank crew instead.