Entertainment Humor

Memes that describe what it’s like to explain jargon to civilian friends

military memes

We’ve all had that moment — attempting to describe something to a non-military friend. And as you hear yourself explaining it you realize it makes zero sense. Sigh. Welcome to military life, civilian acquaintance. No matter how many times you try to explain it, it doesn’t seem to get any easier, either. 

Take a look at these totally relatable moments as to how it feels to explain the suck, decode acronyms, and essentially translate an entire language to someone who’s not in the know.

If you know, you know. 

Welcome to the jungle, folks. 

Lesson number one. 

This is true, but also not true. 

Make sense? 

Then sometimes it feels like this

Just smile and nod.

As they’re explaining how crazy it all sounds.

Been there, done that. 

When they start to get it. 

Nice job, compadre. 

But then suddenly they DON’T get it.

We were so close.

Sometimes we feel this too. 

Just keep trying though.

Sometimes pictures help.

Like a picture book for jargon.

Say it, mean it, FEEL it

Spoken like a true boss.