Entertainment Humor

These 10 Santa memes are perfect whether you’re naughty or nice

He’s shaking his belly like a bowl full of jelly, even in the craziness that is this year. Despite all we’ve gone through this year, Santa remains a common bright spot for the ages. Even though most kids are taking pictures from afar this year, the magic of Santa still remains bright. 

But that doesn’t mean we can’t poke a little fun along the way. Check out these favorite Santa memes and let them perk up your holiday season. 

  1. He’s such a spotlight ranger 

We appreciate you too, elves!!

  1. So many people need this in their lives

Dictionaries (and Spell Check!) for all! 

  1. Doesn’t sound like a bad gig TBH

Plus free milk and cookies. Where do I put my application?

  1. This is the CUTEST

This dog made our whole Christmas.

  1. This low-key freak out is the best

We love this kid!

  1. This reminder to take credit for the expensive stuff

Spread the Santa joy equally!

  1. Busting out that ameteur acting each year


  1. Why is this normal and accepted?

Time for a lyric change IMO

  1. Every adult’s dream


  1. This age-old question that’s never been answered

Your guess is as good as ours.

Rosy cheeks and ashy hair might be in all of our futures, but let’s hope it’s with Santa over personal experiences. After all, Santa is a beloved tradition for all ages and beliefs. 

What’s your favorite way to celebrate Santa each year? Tell us below.